Selasa, 26 November 2013


   HAAAAI & HALLOOOO! jadii saat ini gue lagi sering banget ngeblog kenapa....garagara ya garagara tugas tik! HAHA akhir akhir ini gue jadi sering ngeblog alias ngepost karenaa ya buat tugas tik juga sih sebenernya,walaupun suka binggung apalagi yang harus gue post?! mulai dr random post sampe curhatan gue yang gajelas semuanya gue post disini............Ya gapapadeh itung2 kangen jg sm blogg gue yg udah jarang keurus karena guenya jg sibuk dan laptop gue yang suka mati mati sendiri karna disk c nya kepenuhan yaallah miris banget ya:( Tapi bakalan sering sering ngepost kok soalnya udah download app nya jg di hp:p dan tp karna ngebagi waktu jg buat bantuin si kucrit ngepost buat tugas tik nya jdnya yaa gaterlalu sering2 amat ngepost lah!! DAAAAN GILAA sebentar lagi UAS woi! gila udah 1 semester gue jadi anak ips di kelas 11 gakerasa banget sum-pah. CEPET BANGET. Dan lagi lagi gue gatau gimana caranya supaya ngebuletin ljk rapih karna garagara ljk nilai ulangan gue jelek jelek hampir semua dibawah kkm padahal pensil udah beli di gramedia...bukannya gaya gayaan tp emg bener grgr takut dpt pensil palsu dan malah gakebaca dikomputer nanti huh butuh tips untung agar membulatkan ljk rapih nih kayaknya....

   HMM APALAGI YA...BTW hari ini gue gasekolah karena sebenernya tuh td gue pas bangun pusing banget gitu gatau kenapa trs blm keramas rambut lepek omg gimanasih bakalan jd bad hair day banget lebih dr bad deh pasti!! jdnya gue gamasuk padahal hari ini cm bersih bersih dan gabelajar astagfirullah...dan btw sst gue blm ngerjain tugas psn karna gue binggung gambarnya gmn sm gue jg blm ngerjain tugas translatean b.inggris yang banyak bgt oooh helpp why i'm so lazyyy?! y okelah. pokoknya gitu deh gatau lg siih mau nulis apa pokoknya ituuu aja ok bye. ini ceritaku apa ceritamu?

   OHIYA btw gue akhirnya beli tas di tendencies tas baru gt ceritanya....berhubung tas yang merah biru udah gaada jadinya gue beli tas yg warnanya abu abu biru gt brooo! lucu juga tp rada gede soalnya kan gue pendek + kurus jdnya kebanting tp gppdeh yg penting tas eyke gajebol lg! yay yay trs case bubblegum w udah nyampe jg azeeeek:p dan ternyata emang wangi banget aku sukaa yay pkknya hepi hepi i'm happyy


Sabtu, 23 November 2013

Fact about me

Well okayyy tonight i want share something different,usually emang gue ngepost tentang kisah cinta gue yang super gajelas aslayy tp mengasikkan karna gue merasa kalo kisah pacaran gue di sma ini tuh benerbener yaduu can't explain lah ya okok back to the topic gue akan menjelaskan fact tentang gue ini iseng iseng aja karna gue.....bosen ok baiklah fact about me.

1.Lahir 20 Agustus 1997 di Jakarta pastinya ya. full name is Alifah Salshabia semua bilang nama gue salsabila lah salsabia lah apalah sampe sampe ada guru yang ngotot kalo harusnya nama gue salsabila HAHA pdhl emg aslinya kan salshabia ish :(

3.Hobi makan: ini fact. gila gangertideh gue suka banget makan yang manis manis dan enak pokoknya luv eatin soo mucho

4.TAKUT SEMUA BINATANGGG TIDAKKK! ini tanpa pengecualian kecuali deng kecuali binatang kecil kayak semut gt gue gatakut kalo udh yg gede kayak anjing kucing apapun takut kalo hamster masih ya sedikit berani

5.BLACKLIST KEMOCENG. GILAK gasuka gue sama kemoceng bodo jijik geli bye

6.Selalu ngaret kalo dtg ke sekolah?! hahahaha gue banget. gue itu mager2an orgnya jdnya sukanya dtg kesekolah paspasan gt hahaa gue bgt deh ah

7.SUKA WARNA BIRUUUU! Sumpah gue benerbener cinta warna biru demiapapun

8.Gabisa gambar. njir yang ini nih gue keselin kenapa gua di sma dapet pelajaran seni seninya menggambar yaallah gila sejujurnya gua gabisa kambar walaupun kata pa ami "gambar itu soal kemauan bukan bisa ga bisa" tp gua kalo gambar pala tuh mencong2 anjir :(

9.kata temen2 gue gue itu heboh dengan segala cara.....Emang emang!! gue itu kalo disekolah selalu cerita tertawa dimanapun kapanpun dan berusaha untuk menghibur diri karna dirumah gue pasti sedih ditinggal sama pacar gw bye.

10.LAV IPS! OKAYY gue ips iya ips kenapa? karena mau masuk hubungan inter harus dari ips dan gue gabisa itung2an males gt kalo ngitung yg berlibet sm gapenting lyk fisika yang ngitung gaya apalah jatoh trs ukuran aquarium?! lyk kimia yang ngegabung2in unsur gapenting yg kalopun kuliahnya lo ujung2nya msk hukum atau akutansi buat apa? gadipake. tp yaa ipa bagus jgsiih belajar buat jd anak yg disiplin krn tugasnya banyak trs biar gamales2 gt pkknya ipa ips sama ok!

11.gabisa marah..........YAALLAH gue emang gabisa marah lamalama sumpah selamalamanya jg paling 1 jam 2 jam nnt calmdown sendiri trs biasanya gampang banget maafin orang tp ada si yg kdg ga gue maafin bkn ga dimaafin tp ga segampang itu buat dimaafin...ksl sm org jg jarang:(

12.pacarnya ikidui! yay benar aku pacarnya aku sudah 9 bulan bersamanya aku senang bersama diaa

13.PROBLEMA HIDUP: Rambut Rontok. SHIT gue rontok banget nih kenapa ya rambut gua rontok yaallah yg baca post gua tau caranya gmn ga biar garontok?:( akut banget rontoknya serem jg lamalama apa akar rambut gue udh rapuh grgr hati gw rapuh ya? et gangaruh shab.

14. I havee so mucccch nickname like shabi shebi sebi ebi sabi siapalagi alifah semua banyak serah lo dah mau manggil apa sampe2 pcr gua manggil gua ndut padahal gua kaga gendut het *ganyambung*

15.Masih banyak sih sebenernya tapi gua pegel ngetik gaboong dah pegel banget tumbenan nih padahal biasanya engga ya pokoknya segitu aja! ayoo kenalan sm guee kalo mau kenalan yey yey yey

 Follow me!
 Instagram,twitter,kik,line: Salshabia_
 Path,facebook,youtube: Alifah Salshabia

see u my lavly readers xx


Jumat, 22 November 2013

all my fav

 YAY YAY YAY HALLO AGAIN! Kali ini gue akan ngepost tentang tentang semua hal favorit gue
paling paling gue suka dan kayaknya paling banyak makanan deh haha makanan! as always be a part of me and that's why a reason i have a big stomach eh yagaksih?! haha gue emang suka banget makan apa aja dimakan dan ya pokoknya gt ok lanjut!

KITKAT!!! YAYY sebenernya gue tuh suka kitkat rasa apa ajasih except kitkat dark chocolate gaenak banget walaupun menurut kiki enak tp bagi gw gak!! pkknya i love kitkat green tea dan all flavours of green tea except dark chocolate green tea because the taste it's noot yummy gajelas rasanya sumpah.

 WOI CUPCAKES! ANJIR BANGET Cupcakes tuh emang paling enak gatau kenapa suka banget sama cupcakes ya lav cupcakes with no reason

BANANA MILK!!! sumpah andaikan lo suka pisang lo bakalan jatuh cinta sangat sama susu ini karna enak,baik dutch lady maupun cimory pokoknya semua susu pisang enak tp suka aja sm dutch lady dan sayangnya gaada di indonesia:( jd cuma ada di luar negeri kyk malaysia singapore
gtlah but that's so yummy dan bikin ketagihan

OREO ICE CREAM OR ICE CREAM APA AJA ENAK. Gue adalah penggemar sweet treats apapun itu dan hampir semua sweet treats itu enak entah es krim atau pancake atau waffle atau apalah frappucino juga enak apalagi starbucks. DAN POKOKNYA AKU SUKA! 

dan ini adalah sebagian sweet treats yang aku suka dan masih banyak lagi dan semuanya aku suka karna aku suka makan fyi. HAHA tapi aku gagendut gendut sekalinya gendut yagitu gaterlalu keliatan tapi pipi tak bisa mengecil :( ok bye! 


Minggu, 17 November 2013

Reccomended Songs.

 HAAAI berhubung gue binggung banget mau ngepost appan dan gue gatau deh pokoknya jadi gue bakalan berbagi kekalian tentang lagu yang menurut gue enak ya entah itu lagu udah lama atau baru hits atau gimana pokoknya yang sedang gue repeat terus deh entah kenapa gitu hahaha okelah langsung aja.

1.Let Her Go - The passenger: enak banget lagunya tenang bisa buat lagu pengantar bobo dan ada lirik yang harus dicamkan untuk para cowok yang suka menyianyiakan wanita nih "You only know you love her when you let her go" tuh! makanya jgn nyia2in dah eaea tp btw lagunya enak kook enak

2.Marry Your Daughter - Brian Mcknight: nah ini pokoknya enak banged liriknya unyu unyu gitu pokoknya nenagin ok nenangin.

3.Need Your Love - The tamper Trap: band asal australia yang vokalisnya orang indo ini enak lagunya enak selain sweet disposition lagu need your love nya juga enak!

4.Stay The Night - Zedd ft. Hayley williams: NAHH ini enak banget lagunya santai tapi jedagjedug gitu entah kenapa suka dan selalu gua repeat pokoknya top ok. dengerin deh!! lagu zedd enak enak apalagi clarity sama spectrum sm lost at the sea!! pokoknya album zedd reccomended bngtt

5.Heartbreaker - Justin Bieber: Ini juga enak sumpah! enak lagunya gitu sedih tapi ya gt pokoknya enak dan i can't describe this song.

6.Safe & Sound - Capital Cities: YAAYY INI LAGU TAPTAP! TAPI ENAK ini lagunya aku dan iki kalo lagi main taptap pokoknya enak seru gt lagunya dengerin deh

7.Counting Stars - One Republic: YESHH lagunya enak enak enak gue di kasih sama iki lagu ini pertamanya biasa aja eh sekarang suka soalnya yagitu emang lagu one republic lg enak2 coba deh denger if i lose myself sama feel again! enak jg loh

8.Story of my life - One Direction: NO COMMENT 1D AS ALWAYS BE MY FAV.



Demikian reccomended songs dari gue semoga bisa membantu dalam memilih milih lagu ok sekian dan selamat malam semoga bsk menjadi hari yang menyenangkan!!


50 Facts about Niall horan (The hits Radio version)

1. Niall Horan was born on 13th September 1993.
2. Just like his One Direction bandmate Liam, Niall is a Virgo. According to the star sign he is analytical, observant, helpful, reliable and precise.
3. Niall’s mum is called Maura Gallagher and his dad’s name is Bobby Horan.
4. Niall has an older brother called Greg. He’s 24-years-old.
5. Unfortunately Niall’s mum and dad split up when he was just five years old. He and Greg divided their time between the two homes but eventually they stayed with their dad Bobby in Mullingar, County Westmeath in Ireland.
6. Niall’s mum Muara remarried and lives in the nearby Edgeworthstown with her husband of seven years Chris.
7. Niall attended the Catholic secondary school Coláiste Mhuire in Mullingar.
8. Before secondary school, Niall attended St Kenny National School.
9. Niall’s ideal woman is Cheryl Cole and his man crush is Michael Bublé.
10. Niall’s nickname is Nialler. Makes sense!
11. On One Direction’s debut album ‘Up All Night’, Niall has about 1minute and 25 seconds of solos – the least out of all five members.
12. Niall sang Ne-Yo’s ‘So Sick’ in the X Factor first round and received glowing praise from Louis Walsh.
13. A big Oasis fan, Niall covered ‘Champagne Supernova’ at X Factor bootcamp.
14. Niall’s favourite colour is green. He also likes blue.
15. Niall says he’s only read one book in its entirety – the American classic ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’.
16. Niall has a very bizarre good luck mascot – a pair of white socks. Erm, ok then! 
17. Niall supports English football club Derby County. After attending his first game aged four, throughout his childhood Niall regularly flew from Ireland to the UK to attend games.
18. In 2006 Niall was the Derby County mascot at an away game against Luton Town.
19. Niall is an accomplished guitar player and was a fervent follower of indie music growing up.
20. Just like Liam, Niall’s middle name is James.
21. In December 2011 Niall had transparent white braces fixed to his teeth.
22. Niall’s favourite song of all time is ‘Viva La Vida’ by Coldplay.
23. Niall is the second youngest member of 1D – behind Harry.
24. In early 2010, months before his appearance on the X Factor, Niall supported Lloyd Daniels at the Academy 2 in Dublin. There are clips of his performance of Justin Bieber’s ‘Baby’ at the gig on YouTube. 
25. Niall is approximately 5 feet and 7 inches tall.
26. Niall says the best Christmas present he has ever received is his guitar.
27. One of Niall’s biggest idols is Michael Bublé. He describes the Canadian crooner as an “absolute hero.”
28. Alongside Coldplay, Niall is a big fan of rock bands The Eagles, Bon Jovi and The Script.
29. Niall’s first pets were two goldfish called Tom and Jerry. Unfortunately they died when Niall’s older brother Greg accidentally overfed them!
30. When One Direction reached number one in the US with ‘Up All Night’, Katy Perry personally took to Twitter to congratulate Niall. A guest judge on The X Factor in 2010, she was initially hesitant to put Niall through to the next round and told him at the time “Don’t let us down.” Referencing this, she tweeted: “@NiallOfficial congratulations, you didn't let me down! xo,”
31. Niall’s Twitter address is @NiallOfficial. At the time of writing (August 2012) he has 5,360,356 followers – wow!
32. Justin Bieber follows Niall on Twitter and the good friends regularly chat on the social networking site. We spot a bromance!!
33. Niall suffers from claustrophobia – a fear of small and confined spaces. Speaking to the Sunday Mirror about the condition recently, Niall’s dad Bobby said: "There are hordes of young girls around him, and not much room to breathe anywhere. He says it can be frightening. Coming out of airports and girls crowding around their cars, he's started to get really claustrophobic."
34. Niall’s dad describes him as “a real gent, a lovely, well-mannered, well brought-up lad."

35. As well as claustrophobia, Niall has a fear of pigeons. He explains: “I get really nervous if pigeons are flying around before shows. I can't stand them after one once flew in through my bathroom window and went for me while I was having a wee. That was enough. I think pigeons target me." Poor Niall!
36. In 2012, Niall presented a #1DHQ show for The Hits Radio. His playlist was: Katy Perry ‘Last Friday Night’, Maroon 5 ‘Moves Like Jagger’, One Direction ‘One Thing’, JLS ‘Do You Feel What I Feel?’, Kelly Rowland ‘Commander’, Ne-Yo ‘So Sick’ and One Direction ‘What Makes You Beautiful’.
37. Niall told The Hits Radio that his ideal way to relax is to “sit back, get the feet up on the couch. On a Monday watch some Monday night football; through the week watch movies and on a weekend watch the sports channels.” He also likes to play the Playstation and chill at the 1D lads’ houses.
38. Despite the eight-year age gap, Paloma Faith says she fancies Niall! She told We Love Pop: " I love him. He can be my toyboy. I wouldn't mind having a younger boyfriend."
39. Niall was starstruck when he met Michelle Obama at The White House. He told Digital Spy: “She's an amazing-looking lady, and I'm a massive Barack Obama fan anyway.”
40. Niall would like One Direction to collaborate with Eminem on their next record. Sadly, it’s highly unlikely that Mr Mathers would agree to do it!
41. Niall got food poisoning after 1D’s spring tour of Australia and New Zealand. As he was about to board the 11,000 mile flight home, he tweeted: "Not feeling the best! sore all over! under the weather as they say!"
42. A piece of vegemite toast that Niall had half-eaten in Sydney, Australia was put up on eBay earlier this year. Bogus bids reached over £100,000!!
43. Niall has been romantically linked with Skins actress Freya Mavor and singer Demi Lovato. Both rumours were rubbished by Niall!
44. Niall is left-handed. A variety of studies suggest that approximately one in ten people are left-handed.
45. Niall likes to swear a lot and often stays quiet in interviews in case he accidentally says a rude word!
46. Unlike ink-obsessives Harry and Zayn, Niall doesn’t have any tattoos.
47. In July 2012, Niall jokingly called a group of girl fans at Dublin airport a “shower of c***s”. Despite most One Directioners knowing it was said in jest, the media backlash forced Niall to apologise. He tweeted: "Really sorry if I caused any offence. It was just banter with fans who I think of more as mates. But I understand that it's not a word I should be using at all."
48. One of Niall’s dream 1D collaborations is Labrinth who he believes is “super talented.”
49. Niall absolutely loves singing in the shower. He told TOTP magazine: "I sing all the time in the shower! I'll sing whatever's in the charts. Today I was singing 'It Will Rain' by Bruno Mars."
50. Niall’s first kiss was with a French exchange student when he was “11 or 12” years old. He admits he was “really nervous” at the time.